Presently, object-oriented design methodology was widely used all over the world, but object-oriented cluster-level-test methodology still falls behind. 目前面向对象的设计方法在全世界范围内得到了广泛应用,但面向对象簇级测试方法的研究还显得滞后。
Since the autonomy and complicated organizational structure of MAS cannot be described clearly by traditional structured design method and Object-oriented design method, a new design methodology& Agent Oriented methodology is brought. 由于传统的结构化分析和设计方法以及面向对象的分析和设计方法不能很好地描述多Agent系统,特别是其自主性和复杂的组织结构,于是产生了面向Agent的分析和设计方法。
Object-Oriented Idea and Its Design Methodology 面向对象的思想及其设计方法学
UML ( unified modeling language) is a modeling language of object-oriented. In this paper,, with the analysis and design of "Campus Card" management system, we introduce the modeling mechanism and the use of UML, elaborate the idea of object-oriented methodology. 统一建模语言(UML)是一种面向对象的建模语言,简要介绍了UML建模机制,并结合一卡通管理系统的分析与设计过程来阐述面向对象方法学的思想以及统一建模语言UML中的具体应用。
This thesis first presents the technical equipments and characteristics of air-to-ground attack in the modern war, the development of computer simulation and the object-oriented design methodology. 本文首先介绍了现代战争中空对地攻击的技术装备及其特点,计算机仿真技术的发展以及面向对象的软件设计思想;
After respectively analyzing the excellence and deficiency of object-oriented methodology and structured methodology, this paper probes into the application of synthesizing both methodologies in systems analysis and design, then, presents the methodology of Structure& Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design. 该文在分析了面向对象方法和结构化方法的优缺点的基础上,对在系统分析与设计中综合应用两种方法进行了研究探讨,并提出了面向对象与结构的系统分析与设计方法。
Before making sure the usage of an integrated and new object-oriented methodology of software engineering combined with UML and RUP to instruct the design and implementation of software system, this thesis made a choice of the methodology of software engineering firstly. 本文在确定使用统一建模语言UML和统一过程RUP相结合形成一种完整的全新的面向对象软件工程方法学指导软件系统的设计与实现之前,首先进行了软件工程方法学的选择。
The object-oriented analysis and design methodology, modeling tool-Unified Modeling Language ( UML) and its Integrated Environment-Rational Rose are introduced too. 介绍了面向对象的系统分析和设计方法、建模工具&统一建模语言(UML-UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)及其集成环境RationalROSE。